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Pere HaMidbar (Wild Desert) – Tours in ATVs, RZRs ("razors") & Jeeps

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Title: Pere HaMidbar (Wild Desert) – Tours in ATVs, RZRs (“razors”) & Jeeps Self-driven vehicles in the lowest place on earth.

Switch between sinkholes, flood reservoirs, sedimentary marlstone rocks, the Sodom Mountain, on a day-trip or by moonlight – you can discover all the secrets of the Judean Desert, with Pere HaMidbar.

Experiential and memorable walks in the lowest and most beautiful place in the world, all with professional, high-quality and engaging guidance.

Pere HaMidbar was founded in 1991 by Shlomi Fishman, a tour guide who loves and lives the desert.

The tours are suitable for couples, families, groups and children, in a selection of new vehicles.

General details about the place
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Contact us
Email|[email protected] Address| Gas Station “Delek” - Neve Zohar, activity in the space of the Judean Desert, Dead Sea
Hours of Activity|

Every day of the week, booking in advance.

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